Wednesday, September 14, 2011

USDOJ: OIP: FOIA Guidance and Resources: DOJ Guide to the Freedom of Information Act (2009 Edition)

Most people don't know what FOIA is or really care to know. So for all of you who don't know and don't care, here is the website with all the information you will need to know if you suddenly give a shit...
USDOJ: OIP: FOIA Guidance and Resources: DOJ Guide to the Freedom of Information Act (2009 Edition)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

IBM developerWorks : Web development : Downloads and products

IBM developerWorks : Web development : Downloads and products

* PLCash

PLCash is a Free Personal Finance software package from programmer and author Paul Lutus

Although I haven't yet tried out this Freeware offering, I'm confident that Paul has taken great care in making the application as useful as he could muster. Since I will soon be creating a personal budget (based mainly on the book, Your Money or Your Life, after nearly five years of virtual unemployment,) I will be checking out right away.